In December 2021, a devastating EF4 tornado ripped through the town of Mayfield, severely damaging or destroying all the city facilities and leveling the entire downtown area. Our firm was brought on to assist them with their recovery. During the last 18 months, we have provided them with guidance and services to support their recovery. We have worked closely with community leaders and citizens to meet their specific recovery needs. We attended town hall meetings and continue to attend City Council meetings to ensure that all stakeholders maintain clear lines of communication across all aspects of rebuilding. The Integrity Group has guided the client through the Direct Federal Assistance (DFA) process, drafted multiple federally compliant RFPs, utilized our public adjuster partners to ensure maximum insurance payouts, and coordinated with many federal agencies and numerous issues Our team was instrumental in securing state funding through the SAFE program, ensuring that there was/is no duplication of funding. The estimated total recovery funding for the City is $95 million (FEMA and HUD). This includes approximately $10 million in Mitigation funding from FEMA and CDBG-DR.
Currently, we are working with architects and engineers on bi-weekly meetings to ensure that policy is followed, and the city’s goals are achieved. We will be representing the city at the state legislature to assist them in finding funds to fill the gap between insurance, FEMA, and actual costs. We have supported the City in every endeavor regarding recovery and will soon be taking on their CDBG-DR funding once the Notice of Funding is released. As a firm, we pride ourselves in being the one-stop to do everything to support our applicants in all aspects of their recovery.