Lisa Lagergren
Executive Vice President,
Ms. Lagergren has over 30 years of experience in local and state government service and corporate financial leadership. Her governmental experience includes service to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office (ESCO), the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), and the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS). In the private sector, Ms. Lagergren has demonstrated superior proficiency in a variety of responsible, leadership roles. For the past 14 years, she has played a key role in Emergency Management and disaster recovery efforts in Florida. She has worked with a wide range of sub-grantees on gathering documentation and building strong requests for FEMA Public Assistance Program grants in the aftermath of multiple disasters.
Ms. Lagergren has full knowledge of federal and state guidelines and procedures that enable her to assess unmet needs to determine eligibility and identify damages they may not have considered. Her keen attention to detail makes her successful at project cost validation and organization. Beyond FEMA, Lisa has also worked on projects involving HUD Community Development Block Grants-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES), Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA), and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
Her work has included managerial work on 12 Presidentially Declared emergencies in the State of Florida, including her first work on Hurricane Ivan while part of the response team from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.
As one of the leaders of the Firm’s support team provided to FDEM, and its direct work for many local governmental entities and non-profit organizations, she has supported the pursuit, management, and closeout of grants totaling $4.8 billion. This includes FEMA, HUD, CARES, and other federal funding programs. Her past and current duties include:
Performing financial analysis and grant accounting tasks. This includes entering financial data into a variety of federal systems and standardized reports—meeting all Federal requirements.
- Ensuring that all funding requests developed are proper, legally sufficient and that all required documentation is provided.
- Compiling and presenting periodic activity and ad-hoc reports to firm leadership, project management and clients.
- Participating in disaster-related training and exercises.
- Developing, reviewing, and submitting claims for local and state entities for eligible administrative costs incurred in disaster recovery efforts.
- Working with other leaders to monitor the Firm’s “just in time” resource deployment mode.
Ms. Lagergren also managed statewide teams assigned to inspect homes that were selected for energy efficiency enhancement via the Florida Weatherization Program. This highly successful program resulted in grants totaling in excess of $20 million to qualified residents statewide. The focus of the program’s inspection component was to validate that all repairs were completed in a high quality and cost effective manner.
Prior to joining The Integrity group, while serving as a project manager for the Florida Department of Financial Services Ms. Lagergren was responsible for the leadership of the My Safe Florida Home Program, providing millions in grants to Florida residents that were deemed qualitied for this funding upon the findings of detailed home inspections by Certfified Wind Mitigation Inspectors. Her work included coordinating five teams of certified home inspectors that completed more than 400,000 inspections statewide. This included pre-and post-inspectors of work done to enhance the resiliency of homes. In this role she participated in the development and utilized an automated case assignment and tracking system to ensure compliance will all guidelines. This high profile program was fully audited with zero adverse findings.
This extensive experience has evolved into her current role as the Firm’s Chief Financial Officer, with responsibility for all fiscal activity, including quality control and compliance assurance of all staff billing, project reporting, invoicing to clients, and all expenses incurred.